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+1 253-833-2598

About Us


Welcome to Maseratinet!
Services of MIE Corporation can be accessed through the Maseratinet Menu.
MIE Corp. has specialized exclusively in supporting the needs of Maserati owners and enthusiasts since 1976. MIE stocks an extensive inventory of Maserati parts, has a wealth of technical information, knowledgeable parts technicians, parts and owners manuals, memorabilia, photographs, etc.
Thank you for visiting the site! Please contact us if we can be of service to you. We suggest you take a moment to review the site's menu options. Please let us know if you have questions or need information that is not addressed in our site.
Maseratinet and MIE Corporation are privately owned and not connected with the Factory or any of its distributors or dealers.

MIE Corporation

MIE Corp. is the commercial entity of Maserati Club International, dealing exclusively in Maserati since 1976.

MIE shares a 30,000 square foot facility with Maserati Club International in Auburn, Washington, a suburb of Seattle.

The valuable technical information that was gathered has been catalogued for recall to be used for the benefit of all Maserati owners and technicians.

Throughout the years, MIE has built an extensive inventory of Maserati-only spare parts, both new and used. In December of 1994, MIE purchased the complete spare parts inventory of the U.S.A. Maserati Distributor, resulting in an inventory of more than 30,000 line items and millions invested in Maserati spare parts. MIE was able to reduce the prices of many spare parts.

This helps ensure that your Maserati will live in splendor for years to come. Without this commitment, many crucial parts would become unavailable in not too many years, and the authenticity of many of the GT cars would be compromised.

Maserati Club International Members receive a substantial discount on many of MIE's inventoried parts. 

   Service Establishments receive a trade discount.

   MIE keeps a list of recommended service establishments who are experienced in maintaining Maseratis.

   MIE's parts staff are knowledgeable and are available by telephone or fax to assist with owners or technicians needs or questions.

   MIE typically has a diverse inventory of Maseratis available for purchase, from pristine examples to the perfect project car.

Contact us:
1620 Industry Dr. S.W., Suite F
Ph: USA+253-833-2598  •  Fax: USA+253-735-0946  •  E-mail: